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Grap vs. Grab — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on October 10, 2023
"Grap" is incorrect, while "Grab" is accurate, which means to quickly seize something. Proper spelling ensures clarity and understanding in communication.

Which is correct: Grap or Grab

How to spell Grab?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Difference Between Grap and Grab


Key Differences

Visualize the action: when you GRAB, your hand forms a "B" shape at the end.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023
Note that “Grab” has “B” at the end, as does “Curb”; you grab something to curb it.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023
Associate “Grab” with “Crab”, as they rhyme and both can "grab" things.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023
Remember the phrase “Grab a Bag,” both words end in "b".
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023
Remember that “Grab” contains “rab”, as in "rabbit", which could grab things in a cartoonish context.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023



Grap is an incorrect spelling of Grab.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


Grab implies taking hold of something quickly.
She had to grab her hat due to the wind.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


Grab can also denote securing an opportunity or item.
He managed to grab the last ticket.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


To grab attention means to attract or demand notice.
The loud noise was enough to grab everyone's attention.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


To take or grasp suddenly
Grabbed the letter from me.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To capture or restrain; arrest.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To obtain or appropriate unscrupulously or forcibly
Grab public funds.
Grab power.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To take hurriedly
Grabbed my coat and hat and left.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(Slang) To capture the attention of
A plot that grabs the reader.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To make a grasping or snatching motion
We grabbed for the life raft.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A sudden attempt to grasp or hold something
Made a grab for the railing.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A sudden, often unscrupulous taking control or ownership of something
"The imminence of death is reflected in every last power-stroke and grab of the great money bosses" (Dylan Thomas).
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A mechanical device for gripping an object.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A usually two-masted, sharp-prowed coastal vessel of the Indian Ocean.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Relating or being an object or device that is grabbed or gripped for support or balance
Installed a grab bar in the shower.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(transitive) To grip suddenly; to seize; to clutch.
I grabbed her hand to pull her back from the cliff edge.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(intransitive) To make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something).
The suspect suddenly broke free and grabbed at the policeman's gun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To restrain someone; to arrest.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(transitive) To grip the attention of; to enthrall or interest.
How does that idea grab you?
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(informal) To quickly collect or retrieve.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(informal) To consume something quickly.
We'll just grab a sandwich and then we'll be on our way.
Is there time to grab a coffee?
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To take the opportunity of.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(countable) A sudden snatch at something.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(countable) An acquisition by violent or unjust means.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(countable) A mechanical device that grabs or clutches.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A device for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A sound bite.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(obsolete) That which is seized.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


(uncountable) A simple card game.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A two- or three-masted vessel used on the Malabar coast.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A vessel used on the Malabar coast, having two or three masts.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A sudden grasp or seizure.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


An instrument for clutching objects for the purpose of raising them; - specially applied to devices for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


To gripe suddenly; to seize; to snatch; to clutch.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


A mechanical device for gripping an object
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


The act of catching an object with the hands;
Mays made the catch with his back to the plate
He made a grab for the ball before it landed
Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away
The infielder's snap and throw was a single motion
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of;
Catch the ball!
Grab the elevator door!
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Get hold of or seize quickly and easily;
I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Make a grasping or snatching motion with the hand;
The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Obtain illegally or unscrupulously;
Grab power
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Take or grasp suddenly;
She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Capture the attention or imagination of;
This story will grab you
The movie seized my imagination
Fiza Rafique
Oct 03, 2023


Grab may imply a sudden attack or assault.
The creature tried to grab him from behind.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


Grab can signify gaining or acquiring possession.
The company aimed to grab a larger market share.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 04, 2023


Which vowel is used before Grab?

A; as in "a grab."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the root word of Grab?

Middle Dutch: Grabben.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the pronunciation of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the plural form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Which preposition is used with Grab?

At; as in "grab at something."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab an adverb?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab a noun or adjective?

It can be a noun or a verb.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Why is it called Grab?

Derived from Middle Dutch "grabben," meaning to grab or grasp, related to the gripping action.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the verb form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Which conjunction is used with Grab?

And; as in "grab and pull."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab a collective noun?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is the word Grab imperative?

It can be used in an imperative sentence.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Which article is used with Grab?

A; as in "a grab."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab an abstract noun?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is a stressed syllable in Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the singular form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

How many syllables are in Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

How do we divide Grab into syllables?

It is not divided; it has one syllable.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the opposite of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Which determiner is used with Grab?

That; "that grab."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is the Grab term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically (e.g., grab attention).
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What part of speech is Grab?

Noun or verb.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab a negative or positive word?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab a vowel or consonant?

It is a word.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is another term for Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the third form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

How is Grab used in a sentence?

"I will grab a coffee on my way to work."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is Grab a countable noun?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is the word Grab a Gerund?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Is the word “Grab” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be used as a direct object.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the first form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

What is the second form of Grab?

Fiza Rafique
Oct 10, 2023

Author Spotlight

Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content editor at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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