Unaminous vs. Unanimous — What's the Difference?
By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on September 10, 2023
"Unaminous" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Unanimous," referring to complete agreement or accord.
Which is correct: Unaminous or Unanimous
How to spell Unanimous?
Incorrect Spelling
Correct Spelling
Difference Between Unaminous and Unanimous
Table of Contents
Key Differences
Use a mnemonic: "All animals are UNANIMously cute."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Envision everyone in a group nodding in "aniMation" for agreement.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Remember "anim" as in "animation" or "animal."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Think of the word "unanimity" which also contains "anim."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Say it out loud: "yoo-NA-ni-mus" to get the rhythm and sound.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Sharing the same opinions or views.
The team was unanimous in their strategy.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 05, 2023
Sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
Based on unanimity, assent or agreement.
The debate went on for hours, but in the end the decision was unanimous.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
Sharing the same views or opinions, and being in harmony or accord.
We were unanimous: the President had to go.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
Being of one mind; agreeing in opinion, design, or determination; consentient; not discordant or dissentient; harmonious; as, the assembly was unanimous; the members of the council were unanimous.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
Formed with unanimity; indicating unanimity; having the agreement and consent of all; agreed upon without the opposition or contradiction of any; as, a unanimous opinion; a unanimous vote.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
Acting together as a single undiversified whole;
A solid voting bloc
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 31, 2023
What is the verb form of Unanimous?
There isn't a direct verb form of "unanimous." However, related actions might be "agree" or "concur."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
What is the pronunciation of Unanimous?
It's pronounced as "yoo-NA-ni-mus."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
What is the root word of Unanimous?
The root is derived from Latin "unanimus," meaning "of one mind."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Why is it called Unanimous?
Derived from Latin "unanimitas," meaning "agreement."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Which vowel is used before Unanimous?
Typically, "a" as in "a unanimous decision."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Is Unanimous a negative or positive word?
Neutral. However, it often carries a positive connotation when indicating agreement.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
What is the plural form of Unanimous?
Unanimous doesn't have a plural form as it describes a collective agreement.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Which preposition is used with Unanimous?
Typically "in" as in "unanimous in their verdict."
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Which conjunction is used with Unanimous?
Standard conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be applied.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
What is a stressed syllable in Unanimous?
The second syllable, "na," is stressed.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
What is the first form of Unanimous?
Unanimous is an adjective and doesn't have verb forms.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Which article is used with Unanimous?
Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on the context.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Is Unanimous a vowel or consonant?
It's a word containing both vowels and consonants.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
How is Unanimous used in a sentence?
The jury reached a unanimous verdict on the case.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Is the Unanimous term a metaphor?
No, but it can be used in metaphorical contexts.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Which determiner is used with Unanimous?
Determiners like "this" or "that" can be used.
Tayyaba Rehman
Sep 10, 2023
Author Spotlight
Written by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.