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Wholeseller vs. Wholesaler — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on October 7, 2023
Wholeseller is incorrect. The right spelling is Wholesaler, a person or company that sells goods in large quantities to retailers.

Which is correct: Wholeseller or Wholesaler

How to spell Wholesaler?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Difference Between Wholeseller and Wholesaler


Key Differences

Think of "whole sale" and then just add "r."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023
Recall that “retailer” has one 'l', and so does “wholesaler.”
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023
Remember, there's one 'l' and one 'e' in "sale," and the same goes for "wholesaler."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023
Associate "wholesaler" with "retailer"; both have a single 'l' in the center.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023
Use spell-check, which will flag "wholeseller" as a misspelling.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023



Wholeseller is an incorrect spelling of Wholesaler.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


A person or entity that buys goods in bulk and resells them to retailers.
The retailer got the products from a trusted wholesaler.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


An intermediary in the distribution channel who sells to businesses, not end consumers.
As a wholesaler, they don't deal with direct customers.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


A business that sources products from manufacturers and sells them to other businesses.
The toy wholesaler had contacts with numerous factories.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


An entity offering bulk quantities at discounted prices to businesses.
Local retailers depend on the wholesaler for their inventory.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


A trade operator who sells goods to retailers rather than direct to the public.
The fashion wholesaler showcased the latest trends to boutique owners.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 02, 2023


The sale of goods in large quantities, as for resale by a retailer.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale
A wholesale produce market.
Wholesale goods.
Wholesale prices.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


Made or accomplished extensively and indiscriminately; blanket
Wholesale destruction.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


In large bulk or quantity.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


Extensively; indiscriminately.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


To sell in large quantities for resale.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


To engage in wholesale selling.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


To be sold wholesale.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


A person or company that buys merchandise from manufacturers, importers, or distributors and resells the merchandise to retail businesses and to business and institutional end users.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


Someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
Fiza Rafique
Sep 30, 2023


Why is it called Wholesaler?

It's called "wholesaler" because they deal with whole or complete sales, selling in large quantities or bulk.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Which vowel is used before Wholesaler?

Typically, any vowel can come before "wholesaler" depending on the sentence and context.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the root word of Wholesaler?

The root word is ‘wholesale.’
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Which conjunction is used with Wholesaler?

Any conjunction can be used with "wholesaler" based on its position and function in a sentence.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the plural form of Wholesaler?

The plural form is ‘wholesalers.’
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Which article is used with Wholesaler?

"A" or "the" can be used with "wholesaler," depending on the context.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the pronunciation of Wholesaler?

Wholesaler is pronounced as /ˈhoʊlˌseɪlər/.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the singular form of Wholesaler?

The singular form is ‘wholesaler.’
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Which preposition is used with Wholesaler?

Prepositions like "from," "by," or "with" can be used with "wholesaler" depending on context.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the verb form of Wholesaler?

There isn't a direct verb form of "wholesaler," but related verbs include "wholesale" or "distribute."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler a noun or adjective?

"Wholesaler" is a noun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler a negative or positive word?

‘Wholesaler’ is a neutral word.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler an adverb?

No, "wholesaler" is not an adverb.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler a countable noun?

Yes, "wholesaler" is countable.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler a collective noun?

No, "wholesaler" is not a collective noun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is the word “Wholesaler” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Wholesaler" can serve as either, depending on its use in a sentence.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the opposite of Wholesaler?

The opposite could be "retailer" in terms of the supply chain.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Which determiner is used with Wholesaler?

Determiners like "the," "this," "that," "my," and "our" can be used with "wholesaler."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun as it refers to a tangible entity.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is Wholesaler a vowel or consonant?

"Wholesaler" is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is the word Wholesaler imperative?

No, "wholesaler" is not imperative.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

How many syllables are in Wholesaler?

"Wholesaler" has three syllables.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

How do we divide Wholesaler into syllables?

It's divided as whole-sal-er.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is another term for Wholesaler?

Another term is "distributor."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the second form of Wholesaler?

There isn't a traditional second form as "wholesaler" is a noun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is a stressed syllable in Wholesaler?

The first syllable, "whole," is stressed.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the third form of Wholesaler?

There isn't a traditional third form as "wholesaler" is a noun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is the Wholesaler term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but in certain contexts, it could be used metaphorically.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Is the word Wholesaler a gerund?

No, "wholesaler" is not a gerund.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What part of speech is Wholesaler?

"Wholesaler" is a noun.
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

What is the first form of Wholesaler?

The base form is "wholesale."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

How is Wholesaler used in a sentence?

"The local retailers rely heavily on the wholesaler for their monthly supplies."
Fiza Rafique
Oct 07, 2023

Author Spotlight

Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content editor at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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