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Completly vs. Completely — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on August 31, 2023
"Completly" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Completely", meaning in a thorough or entire manner.

Which is correct: Completly or Completely

How to spell Completely?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Difference Between Completly and Completely


Key Differences

Just like "definitely" has an "ite", so does "completely".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023
There's a "te" in the middle of "completely", not just "t".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023
Think of it as "comPLEtely" PLE for PLEasure.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023
Remember, it's "com-plete-ly", with three segments.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023
Think of "complete" as the base word, and add "ly".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023



Completly is an incorrect spelling of Completely.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


To the utmost or most absolute extent.
The room was completely dark.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


Wholly; in every respect.
Their methods were completely different from ours.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


Entirely; without reservation.
I completely understand your viewpoint.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


To an absolute degree or in an absolute manner.
He was completely overwhelmed with joy.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire
A complete medical history.
A complete set of dishes.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


(Botany) Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


Having come to an end; concluded
The renovation of the kitchen is complete.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


Absolute; thorough
Complete control.
A complete mystery.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


Accomplished; consummate
A complete musician.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


(Football) Caught in bounds by a receiver
A complete pass.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


To bring to a finish or an end
She has completed her studies.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts
A second child would complete their family. Fill in the blanks to complete the form.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


(Football) To throw (a forward pass) that is caught in bounds by a receiver.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


(manner) In a complete manner
Please completely fill in the box for your answer, using a number 2 pencil.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


(degree) To the fullest extent or degree; totally.
He is completely mad.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


In a complete manner; fully.
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly');
He was wholly convinced
Entirely satisfied with the meal
It was completely different from what we expected
Was completely at fault
A totally new situation
The directions were all wrong
It was not altogether her fault
An altogether new approach
A whole new idea
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


So as to be complete; with everything necessary;
He had filled out the form completely
The apartment was completely furnished
Tayyaba Rehman
Nov 17, 2022


In a thorough manner; fully.
The task was completed completely.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023


What is the pronunciation of Completely?

Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the root word of Completely?

The root word is "complete".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Why is it called Completely?

It is derived from the word "complete" to describe doing something fully or entirely.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the verb form of Completely?

"Completely" is an adverb. The verb form is "complete".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Which vowel is used before Completely?

Depends on the context, but often "a", as in "a completely".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the singular form of Completely?

"Completely" is an adverb and does not have a singular or plural form.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the plural form of Completely?

"Completely" does not have a plural form.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Which article is used with Completely?

Both "a" and "the" can precede it depending on context, e.g., "a completely new idea".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely an abstract noun?

No, it's not an abstract noun.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely a negative or positive word?

It's neutral but can convey either based on context.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely a vowel or consonant?

"Completely" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is the Completely term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used in metaphorical expressions.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What part of speech is Completely?

"Completely" is an adverb.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Which determiner is used with Completely?

"Completely" doesn't typically require a determiner.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the first form of Completely?

The word "completely" is an adverb, and its related verb's first form is "complete".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Which preposition is used with Completely?

"Completely" can be used with various prepositions based on context, e.g., "completely on".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Which conjunction is used with Completely?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence's context.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is a stressed syllable in Completely?

The second syllable, "plete".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is another term for Completely?

"Totally" or "entirely".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the opposite of Completely?

"Partially" or "incompletely".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is the word Completely a gerund?

No, it's not a gerund.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely a noun or adjective?

Neither, "completely" is an adverb.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely an adverb?

Yes, "completely" is an adverb.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is the word “Completely” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither. "Completely" is an adverb and doesn't function as an object.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

How many syllables are in Completely?

Three syllables.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

How do we divide Completely into syllables?

Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

How is Completely used in a sentence?

"She was completely amazed by the performance."
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is Completely a countable noun?

No, "completely" is not a noun.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Is the word Completely imperative?

No, it's not imperative.
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the second form of Completely?

For the verb "complete", the second form is "completed".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

What is the third form of Completely?

For the verb "complete", the third form is "completed".
Tayyaba Rehman
Aug 30, 2023

Author Spotlight

Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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