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Same vs. Uke — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Same and Uke




Being the very one; identical
The same boat we rented before.


A ukulele.


Similar in kind, quality, quantity, or degree
The ceremony went off with the same elegance that it has had every year.


(informal) ukulele


Conforming in every detail
According to the same rules as before.


The training partner against whom tori performs a move.


Being the one previously mentioned or indicated; aforesaid
"There was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon.
And the same man was just and devout" (King James Bible).


A passive or submissive male fictional character in a same-sex relationship; a bottom.


In the same way
The words sale and sail are pronounced the same.


A small guitar having four strings


Not different or other; not another or others; not different as regards self; selfsame; identical.
I realised I was the same age as my grandfather had been when he joined the air force.
Even if the twins are identical, they are still not the same person, unlike Mark Twain and Samuel Clemens.
Peter and Anna went to the same high school: the high school to which Peter went is the high school to which Anna went.


Lacking variety from; indistinguishable.


Similar, alike.
You have the same hair I do!


Used to express the unity of an object or person which has various different descriptions or qualities.
Round here it can be cloudy and sunny even in the same day.
We were all going in the same direction.


A reply of confirmation of identity.


(used with the) The same way; in the same manner; to the same extent, equally.
A mother loves all her children the same.
My hometown looked much the same as when I'd left 10 years ago.
It took all night to find our hotel room, as we forgot our room number and each door looked the same.




The identical thing, ditto.
The same can be said of him.
It's the same everywhere.


Something similar, something of the identical type.
She's having apple pie? I'll have the same.
You two are just the same.


It or them, without a connotation of similarity.
The question is his credibility or lack of same.


It or them, as above, meaning the last object mentioned, mainly as complement: on the same, for the same.
My picture/photography blog...kindly give me your reviews on the same.


(Internet slang) Indicates the speaker's strong approval or agreement with the previous material.


Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged.
Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.


Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like.
The ethereal vigor is in all the same.


Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.
What ye know, the same do I know.
Do but think how well the same he spends,Who spends his blood his country to relieve.
Bees like the same odors as we do.
[He] held the same political opinions with his illustrious friend.


Same in identity;
The same man I saw yesterday
Never wore the same dress twice
This road is the same one we were on yesterday
On the same side of the street


Closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree;
Curtains the same color as the walls
Two girls of the same age
Mother and son have the same blue eyes
Animals of the same species
The same rules as before
Two boxes having the same dimensions
The same day next year


Equal in amount or value;
Like amounts
Equivalent amounts
The same amount
Gave one six blows and the other a like number
An equal number
The same number


Unchanged in character or nature;
The village stayed the same
His attitude is the same as ever


In the same manner;
You get treated fairly, same as any other student in this course!

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