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Structure vs. Nature — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Structure and Nature




A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals.


Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, material world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general.


The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex
The two sentences have equivalent structures
The company's weakness is the inflexibility of its management structure


The phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations
The breathtaking beauty of nature


A building or other object constructed from several parts
The station is a magnificent structure and should not be demolished


The basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something
Helping them to realize the nature of their problems
There are a lot of other documents of that nature


Construct or arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to
Services must be structured so as to avoid pitfalls


The material world and its phenomena
Scientists analyzing nature.


Something made up of a number of parts that are held or put together in a particular way
Hierarchical social structure.


The forces and processes that produce and control these phenomena
The balance of nature.


The way in which parts are arranged or put together to form a whole; makeup
Triangular in structure.


The world of living things and the outdoors
Spent the day enjoying nature.


The interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entity
Political structure.
Plot structure.


A primitive state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization or social constraints
When people lived in a state of nature.


Something constructed, such as a building.


The basic character or qualities of humanity
It is only human nature to worry about the future.


The arrangement or formation of the tissues, organs, or other parts of an organism.


The fundamental character or disposition of a person; temperament
A man of an irascible nature.


An organ or other part of an organism.


The set of inherent characteristics or properties that distinguish something
Trying to determine the nature of a newly discovered phenomenon.


To give form or arrangement to
Structure a curriculum.
Structure one's day.


A kind or sort
Confidences of a personal nature.


A cohesive whole built up of distinct parts.
The birds had built an amazing structure out of sticks and various discarded items.


The processes and functions of the body, as in healing
The doctor decided not to do anything and let nature take its course.


The underlying shape of a solid.
He studied the structure of her face.


Behavior more influenced by nature than nurture.


The overall form or organization of something.
The structure of a sentence.
The structure of the society was still a mystery.


The way things are, the totality of all things in the physical universe and their order, especially the physical world in contrast to spiritual realms and flora and fauna as distinct from human conventions, art, and technology.
Nature doesn't lie.
The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics.
Tectonic activity is part of nature, so there's no way to stop earthquakes.


A set of rules defining behaviour.
For some, the structure of school life was oppressive.


The particular way someone or something is, especially


(computing) Several pieces of data treated as a unit.
This structure contains both date and timezone information.


The essential or innate characteristics of a person or thing which will always tend to manifest, especially in contrast to specific contexts, reason, religious duty, upbringing, and personal pretense or effort.
It's not in my nature to steal.
You can't help feeling that way. It's human nature.
Power corrupts. That's just the nature of the beast.


Underwater terrain or objects (such as a dead tree or a submerged car) that tend to attract fish
There's lots of structure to be fished along the west shore of the lake; the impoundment submerged a town there when it was built.


The distinguishing characteristic of a person or thing, understood as its general class, sort, type, etc.
What was the nature of your relationship with the deceased?
The best medium might be petroleum, liquified gas, or something of that nature.


A body, such as a political party, with a cohesive purpose or outlook.
The South African leader went off to consult with the structures.


Synonym of caliber: the class of a gun.


(logic) A set along with a collection of finitary functions and relations.


The vital functions or strength of someone or something, especially as requiring nourishment or careful maintenance or (medicine) as a force of regeneration without special treatment.


(transitive) To give structure to; to arrange.
I'm trying to structure my time better so I'm not always late.
I've structured the deal to limit the amount of money we can lose.


A requirement or powerful impulse of the body's physical form, especially


The act of building; the practice of erecting buildings; construction.
His son builds on, and never is contentTill the last farthing is in structure spent.


The need to urinate and defecate.
I hear the call of nature.


Manner of building; form; make; construction.
Want of insight into the structure and constitution of the terraqueous globe.


Sexual desire.


Arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent particles, in a substance or body; as, the structure of a rock or a mineral; the structure of a sentence.
It [basalt] has often a prismatic structure.


Spontaneous love, affection, or reverence, especially between parent and child.


Manner of organization; the arrangement of the different tissues or parts of animal and vegetable organisms; as, organic structure, or the structure of animals and plants; cellular structure.


A product of the body's physical form, especially semen and vaginal fluids, menstrual fluid, and (obsolete) feces.


That which is built; a building; esp., a building of some size or magnificence; an edifice.
There stands a structure of majestic frame.


A part of the body's physical form, especially (obsolete) the female genitalia.


A thing constructed; a complex construction or entity;
The structure consisted of a series of arches
She wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons


(obsolete) To endow with natural qualities.


The manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts;
Artists must study the structure of the human body
The structure of the benzene molecule


The existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space; the physical world; all of creation. Contrasted with the world of mankind, with its mental and social phenomena.
But looks through nature up to nature's God.
When, in the course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bonds which have connected them with another, ans to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal Station which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to the Separation.
Nature has caprices which art can not imitate.


The complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations;
His lectures have no structure


The personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; - often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence; as, produced by nature; the forces of nature.
I oft admireHow Nature, wise and frugal, could commitSuch disproportions.


A particular complex anatomical structure;
He has good bone structure


The established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect.


The people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships;
The social organization of England and America is very different
Sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family


Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artificial, or forced, or remote from actual experience.
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.


Give a structure to;
I need to structure my days


The sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being.
Thou, therefore, whom thou only canst redeem,Their nature also to thy nature join,And be thyself man among men on earth.


Kind, sort; character; quality.
A dispute of this nature caused mischief.


Physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life.
Oppressed nature sleeps.


Natural affection or reverence.
Have we not seenThe murdering son ascend his parent's bed,Through violated nature force his way?


Constitution or quality of mind or character.
A born devil, on whose natureNurture can never stick.
That reverence which is due to a superior nature.


To endow with natural qualities.
He [God] which natureth every kind.


The essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized;
It is the nature of fire to burn
The true nature of jealousy


A causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe;
The laws of nature
Nature has seen to it that men are stronger than women


The natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.;
They tried to preserve nature as they found it


The complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions;
It is his nature to help others


A particular type of thing;
Problems of this type are very difficult to solve
He's interested in trains and things of that nature
Matters of a personal nature

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