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Monomer vs. Polymer — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 24, 2023
A monomer is a small molecule that can chemically bond to form a larger structure called a polymer. A polymer is a complex molecule composed of multiple monomers linked together.

Difference Between Monomer and Polymer


Key Differences

In contrast, a polymer is a much larger molecule that results from the bonding of multiple monomers. Polymers can consist of thousands or even millions of monomers linked together. They exhibit properties that are different from those of their constituent monomers and can be both naturally occurring or synthetically made.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023
A monomer is essentially a single, small molecular unit that can be combined with others to form a larger, more complex structure. This smaller molecule is the basic building block for a polymer. Monomers often contain a reactive group that allows them to form covalent bonds with other monomers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023
While monomers act as the precursors or the raw materials, polymers represent the end product of polymerization processes. Monomers join together in specific sequences and structures to form polymers. The process by which this happens is known as polymerization, and it can occur through various methods such as addition polymerization or condensation polymerization.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023
In summary, a monomer is like a single piece of a puzzle, while a polymer is the completed puzzle. The monomers can be identical or different, but they are always smaller than the resulting polymer. Each monomer contributes to the properties and functionality of the resulting polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Comparison Chart


Small molecular unit
Large complex molecule
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


Building block
End product
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Chemical Process

Precursor in polymerization
Result of polymerization
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023



The precursor molecule in a polymerization process.
The monomer styrene is essential for producing polystyrene.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


The product formed by the chemical bonding of monomers.
Polyethylene is a polymer made from ethene.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A compound that can undergo polymerization.
Acrylonitrile is a monomer used in making certain synthetic fibers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A compound with high molecular weight comprising repeated linked units.
Polystyrene is a polymer used in plastic products.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A molecule with reactive groups for forming covalent bonds.
The amino acid monomer contributes to protein structure.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A substance consisting of molecular chains.
Natural rubber is a polymer of isoprene.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A small molecular unit capable of bonding with others to form a polymer.
Ethene is a monomer used to make polyethylene.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A large, complex molecule made up of smaller units called monomers.
DNA is a natural polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A single unit that serves as a building block for larger structures.
Glucose is a monomer for starch and cellulose.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


A polymer (; Greek poly-, "many" + -mer, "part") is a substance or material consisting of very large molecules, or macromolecules, composed of many repeating subunits. Due to their broad spectrum of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play essential and ubiquitous roles in everyday life.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A monomer ( MON-ə-mər; mono-, "one" + -mer, "part") is a molecule that can react together with other monomer molecules to form a larger polymer chain or three-dimensional network in a process called polymerization.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


(organic chemistry) A long or larger molecule consisting of a chain or network of many repeating units, formed by chemically bonding together many identical or similar small molecules called monomers. A polymer is formed by polymerization, the joining of many monomer molecules.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A molecule that can combine with other molecules to form a polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A material consisting of such polymer molecules.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


(chemistry) A relatively small molecule which can be covalently bonded to other monomers to form a polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


Any one of two or more substances related to each other by polymerism; specifically, a substance produced from another substance by chemical polymerization.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


The basic conceptual building unit of a polymer; a molecule of low molecular weight which may combine with other molecules to form a molecule in a chain or branched form having high molecular weight; as, amino acids are the monomer units which are combined to form proteins; vinylic plastics are formed from monomers having a vinyl group.
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A naturally occurring or synthetic compound consisting of large molecules made up of a linked series of repeated simple monomers
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers
Fiza Rafique
Aug 21, 2018


A macromolecule formed from similar or different subunits.
Proteins are polymers made up of amino acids.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023


How do monomers become polymers?

Through a process called polymerization.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Are monomers always smaller than polymers?

Yes, monomers are the building blocks of polymers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Can monomers be different in a single polymer?

Yes, they can be identical or different.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Can polymers be recycled?

Some polymers can be recycled.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

What is a monomer?

A monomer is a small molecule that can bond to form a polymer.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Can a polymer be broken down into its monomers?

Yes, through a process called depolymerization.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

What is the role of monomers in polymerization?

They act as the precursors or building blocks.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

What is a polymer?

A polymer is a large molecule composed of multiple monomers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Are all polymers synthetic?

No, there are both natural and synthetic polymers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Can polymers occur naturally?

Yes, examples include DNA and proteins.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Are all monomers organic compounds?

Most are, but there are inorganic monomers too.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

How are polymers used in daily life?

They are used in plastics, textiles, medicines, and more.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

What are the reactive groups in monomers called?

They are often called functional groups.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Do polymers have higher molecular weights than monomers?

Yes, polymers have higher molecular weights.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

What is a copolymer?

A polymer made from two or more different types of monomers.
Fiza Rafique
Sep 24, 2023

Author Spotlight

Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content editor at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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