Torsion vs. Tension — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Torsion and Tension
The act of twisting or turning.
The act or process of stretching something tight.
The condition of being twisted or turned.
The condition of so being stretched; tautness.
The stress or deformation caused when one end of an object is twisted in one direction and the other end is held motionless or twisted in the opposite direction.
A force tending to stretch or elongate something.
The act of turning or twisting, or the state of being twisted; the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of a lateral force tending to turn one end or part of it about a longitudinal axis, while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction.
A measure of such a force
A tension on the cable of 50 pounds.
(mechanics) That force with which a thread, wire, or rod of any material returns, or tends to return, to a state of rest after it has been twisted; torsibility.
Mental, emotional, or nervous strain
Working under great tension to make a deadline.
(surgery) The stopping of arterial haemorrhage in certain cases, by twisting the cut end of the artery.
Barely controlled hostility or a strained relationship between people or groups
The dangerous tension between opposing military powers.
The act of turning or twisting, or the state of being twisted; the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of a lateral force tending to turn one end or part of it about a longitudinal axis, while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction.
A balanced relation between strongly opposing elements
"the continuing, and essential, tension between two of the three branches of government, judicial and legislative" (Haynes Johnson).
That force with which a thread, wire, or rod of any material, returns, or tends to return, to a state of rest after it has been twisted; torsibility.
The interplay of conflicting elements in a piece of literature, especially a poem.
A tortuous and twisted shape or position;
They built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs
The acrobat performed incredible contortions
A device for regulating tautness, especially a device that controls the tautness of thread on a sewing machine or loom.
A twisting force
(Electricity) Voltage or potential; electromotive force.
To subject to tension; tighten.
The condition of being held in a state between two or more forces, which are acting in opposition to each other.
Psychological state of being tense.
A feeling of nervousness, excitement, or fear that is created in a movie, book, etc.; suspense.
State of an elastic object which is stretched in a way which increases its length.
Force transmitted through a rope, string, cable, or similar object (used with prepositions on, in, or of, e.g., "The tension in the cable is 1000 N", to convey that the same magnitude of force applies to objects attached to both ends).
Voltage. Usually only the terms low tension, high tension, and extra-high tension, and the abbreviations LT, HT, and EHT are used. They are not precisely defined; LT is normally a few volts, HT a few hundreds of volts, and EHT thousands of volts.
To place an object in tension, to pull or place strain on.
We tensioned the cable until it snapped.
The act of stretching or straining; the state of being stretched or strained to stiffness; the state of being bent strained; as, the tension of the muscles, tension of the larynx.
Fig.: Extreme strain of mind or excitement of feeling; intense effort.
The degree of stretching to which a wire, cord, piece of timber, or the like, is strained by drawing it in the direction of its length; strain.
The force by which a part is pulled when forming part of any system in equilibrium or in motion; as, the tension of a srting supporting a weight equals that weight.
A device for checking the delivery of the thread in a sewing machine, so as to give the stitch the required degree of tightness.
Expansive force; the force with which the particles of a body, as a gas, tend to recede from each other and occupy a larger space; elastic force; elasticity; as, the tension of vapor; the tension of air.
The quality in consequence of which an electric charge tends to discharge itself, as into the air by a spark, or to pass from a body of greater to one of less electrical potential. It varies as the quantity of electricity upon a given area.
Feelings of hostility that are not manifest;
He could sense her latent hostility to him
The diplomats' first concern was to reduce international tensions
(psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense;
He suffered from fatigue and emotional tension
Stress is a vasoconstrictor
The physical condition of being stretched or strained;
It places great tension on the leg muscles
He could feel the tenseness of her body
A balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature);
There is a tension created between narrative time and movie time
There is a tension between these approaches to understanding history
(physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body;
The direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear
The action of stretching something tight;
Tension holds the belt in the pulleys